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The Heart of a Woman

The power of the heart is a profound thing. It not only hears words, but it also understands the language of hearts. Recently, I stepped outside my comfort zone and visited the local detention center as part of my job. There, I had the privilege of speaking with four women who were currently incarcerated. Although I had never spent a night in jail myself, like many twenty-year-olds, I had come close. As I observed the women being rounded up, they all appeared the same in their attire—shackles on their feet, wearing jail slippers. However, once we entered the room and began talking, I realized that we were all more alike than different. We shared similar stories, laughed together, spoke of our aspirations for the future, discussed our children, and even sang and cried together. In that room, we were simply women.

Sometimes, we tend to forget the commonalities we share when we focus on our differences. In Sojourner Truth's powerful speech, "I Ain't A Woman," she expressed the belief that if the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down on her own, then when women come together, they can surely turn it right side up again. I wholeheartedly believe in this sentiment. I have met and spoken to many women, and while we may not always see eye to eye, there are undeniable threads that connect us.

Disagreement can coexist with love. In the past, I used to mute myself to avoid offending

others, but I have learned that as long as I speak and act from a place of love, it will be alright. I am unapologetically a black woman, proud of my heritage and identity. I have observed that at various levels, from executive positions to blue-collar jobs, differences often hinder meaningful conversations among women. However, I firmly believe that women are the most magnificent creatures ever created, and if we could truly appreciate the splendor and greatness of every woman, the world would be a better place.

The heart of a woman is a force to be reckoned with. It holds immense strength, resilience, and compassion. When women come together, united by love and a shared understanding, they can create transformative change. It is in embracing both our similarities and our differences that we find the power to uplift one another and shape a brighter future. Let us celebrate the heart of a woman and continue to work towards a world where every woman is recognized, valued, and given the opportunity to thrive.

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